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Few reasons to seek valuation services are:

  • Current position of business.
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Estate Plamming
  • Potential Growth

Business process mapping is used to provide proper designation to the employees where they fit in that particular organization.

If you own a business, you may need more than one business plan. The latter is a day-to-day roadmap that details the tactics that will support your overall strategy. It may consist of spreadsheets, lists, research summaries, and other documents.

Preparing an investor-grade business plan, financial forecast, and investor presentation could take 500 hours or more. Now is the time to build your team, product, distribution channels, and customer base. You must assemble a team of experts.

As per Commercial Companies Law in UAE, Each Joint Stock Company or Limited Liability Company shall have one or more auditors to audit annually the books of accounts. The company shall apply the International Accounting Standards and Practices upon preparing its periodical and annual accounts, to give a clear and accurate view of the profits and losses of the company.

The standard rate of VAT in the UAE is 5%

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